Thursday, May 16, 2019

Day 21! Last Boot Camp Bead!

Here it is!  The last of the 21 Day Bead Boot Camp!

First effort showed that my red stringer was a little too thick:

So I pulled some thinner red stringer and used that.  I also made a couple of zigzag beads without the center stripe.  I don't really like the effect of a middle stripe, but it is surprising how that one little thing makes the bead harder, so it was well worth doing it just for the experience.

The zigzag beads have long been a favorite example of Viking era beads.  If I had to pick one design that is my idea of the quintessential Viking bead, this is it.  Seems very appropriate to end on this one.

Many thanks to Dena Cowlishaw for sharing her 21 Day Bead Boot Camp and sharing it freely on her blog for all to enjoy.  It has been a good project to work through and I will be keeping the document to refer to in the future.  I certainly hope I get a chance to meet her in person and compare glass work some day.

Now I have a bag full of Viking beads and need to find a way to use them.  I have an idea, but it will have to wait.  There are some other pressing projects to get to first.  Check back for future installments!

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