Wednesday, May 8, 2019

Day 12

When I decided to do the 21 Day Bead Boot Camp, I printed out the PDF document for easy reference out in the workshop.  

Only problem is, I only have a black and white printer.

Now, this isn't a big deal, normally.  But this time, it threw me off a bit.  Here's the bead I was supposed to make for Day 12:

White bead, red stripes, blue dots.  Not a bad color scheme.  I knew that I would be likely to use ivory glass because I really like the subtle difference in color.  

Normally, I either read the description on the page or I look at the color pictures on my computer screen before I start making the beads.  But today I was confident that I remembered the color scheme just fine.

Here's what I made:

Not a bad job.  Very pretty, really.  But not the intended color scheme.  And Day 14's beads have a similar issue.  I'll get to those shortly.

I actually like the look of the beads better with this color scheme, so I'm not going to redo them, but I do feel rather silly for making that mistake.

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